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not A until B Not until구문 not until 도치강조 not A until B : B하기 전까지 A하지 않다 / B해서야 비로소 A하다 not A until B = It is(was) not until B that A it is(was)~that 강조용법은 도치가 일어나지 않습니다! = Not until B be동사 + S 조동사 + S + V do/does/did +S+ V(동사원형) ※ not until 부정어 도치-의문문 어순 He is happy. → Is he happy? He studies English. → Does he study English? He studied English. → Did he study English? He can study English. → Can he study English? He has studied Englis.. 2020. 9. 25.
so that용법 too to용법 so as to용법 so that용법 too to용법 so as to용법 so - that(너무~해서~하다) ​ It was so lovely (a day) that he went out. =It was such a lovely day that he went out. 날씨가 너무 좋아서 그는 외출했다. so + 형 + (a 명) that S + V =such a 형 명 that S + V ​ ​ so - that S + can(너무 ~해서 ~할 수 있다) He is so rich that he can buy the car. = He is so rich as to buy the car. = He is rich enough to buy the car. 그는 너무 부유해서 그 차를 살 수 있다. so 형 that S + can .. 2020. 9. 18.
영어축약형 어떻게 쓰는거야? List of Contractions in English 영어축약형 모음 ​ Would I would = I’d You would = You’d He would = He’d She would = She’d It would = It’d We would = We’d They would = They’d That would = That’d These would = These’d There would = There’d Who would = Who’d What would = What’d Where would = Where’d When would = When’d Why would = Why’d How would = How’d ​ Be You are = You’re He is = He’s She is = She’s I.. 2020. 9. 15.
영어숙어관용구 모음 Common English Idioms 영어숙어 관용구 모음 Common English Idioms ​ Above board: honest, open ad lib: improvise, interpolate after all: in spite of the situation; nevertheless against the grain: contrary to someone’s feelings, principles all along: all the time all ears: eager to listen all of a sudden: suddenly all thumbs: clumsy apple of one’s eye: very dear, precious apple of discord: subject of envy or quarrel as a rule: g.. 2020. 9. 15.