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not A until B Not until구문 not until 도치강조

by 카이로스영어 2020. 9. 25.



not A until B

: B하기 전까지 A하지 않다 / B해서야 비로소 A하다


not A until B = It is(was) not until B that A

it is(was)~that 강조용법은 도치가 일어나지 않습니다!


= Not until B   be동사 + S

                    조동사 + S + V

                    do/does/did +S+ V(동사원형)


※ not until 부정어 도치-의문문 어순

He is happy. →  Is he happy?

He studies English. → Does he study English?

He studied English.  Did he study English?

He can study English.   Can he study English?

He has studied English. → Has he studied English?


not A until B 에서 A와 B만 잘 구분하면 

도치구문은 쉽습니다!!



Jenny didn't finish the work until this morning.


Jenny는 오늘 아침까지 그 일을 끝내지 못했다. (Jenny는 오늘 아침이 돼서야 그 일을 끝냈다.)


It was not until this morning that Jenny finished the work.


Not until this morning did Jenny finish the work.



James didn't start to write until he was fifty.


James는 50세가 되기 전까지 글쓰기를 시작하지 않았다. (James는 50세가 되어서야 비로소 글을 쓰기 시작했다.)


It was not until he was fifty that he started to write.


=Not until he was fifty did he start to write.



You can not tell his real worth until a man dies.


사람이 죽기 전에는 그의 진가를 알 수 없다. (사람의 진가는 죽고 나서야 비로소 알 수 있다.)


It is not until a man dies that you can tell his real worth.


=Not until a man dies can you tell his real worth.



Good fortune is not known until it is lost.


행운이 없어질 때까지는 그게 행운이었다는 걸 모른다. (행운이 없어지고 나서야 그게 행운이었는지 안다.)


It is not until it is lost that good fortune is known.


Not until it is lost is good fortune known.




☞ 문제 풀어보기


She has not learned how to play tennis until recently.






I didn't know the fact until yesterday.







He didn't start to paint until he was thirty.











She has not learned how to play tennis until recently.


그녀는 최근까지 테니스 치는 법을 배우지 못했다.(최근이 되어서 테니스 치는 법을 배웠다.)


= It is not until recently that she has learned how to play tennis.


= Not until recently has she learned how to play tennis.



I didn't know the fact until yesterday.


나는 어제까지 그 사실을 몰랐다. (어제가 돼서야 그 사실을 알게 됐다.)


= It was not until yesterday that I knew the fact.



= Not until yesterday did I know the fact.


He didn't start to paint until he was thirty.


그는 30세가 될 때까지 그림 그리는 것을 시작하지 않았다. (그는 30세가 되어 비로소 그림을 그리기 시작하였다.)


= It was not until he was thirty that he started to paint.


= Not until he was thirty did he start to paint.




좋아요 감사합니다^^