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so that용법 too to용법 so as to용법

by 카이로스영어 2020. 9. 18.

so that용법 too to용법 so as to용법



so - that(너무~해서~하다)

It was so lovely (a day) that he went out.

=It was such a lovely day that he went out.

날씨가 너무 좋아서 그는 외출했다.

so + 형 + (a 명) that S + V

=such a 형 명 that S + V

so - that S + can(너무 ~해서 ~할 수 있다)

He is so rich that he can buy the car.

= He is so rich as to buy the car.

= He is rich enough to buy the car.

그는 너무 부유해서 그 차를 살 수 있다.

so 형 that S + can

=so 형 as to V

=형 enough to V

The problem is so easy that he can solve it.

= The problem is easy enough for him to solve it.

( 단문으로 바뀌면 it이 없이지는것에 유의 )

He is so young that he can not read the book

= He is too young to read the book.

(너무~해서~할 수 없다)

This box is so heavy that I cannot lift it

= This box is too heavy for me to lift it.


The problem is so difficult that he can not solve it

= The problem is too difficult for him to solve it.



so + 형용사[부사] + as to 부정사

= so + 형용사[부사] + that + S + V

He was so kind as to help us.

= He was so kind that he helped us.

그는 너무 친절해서 우리를 도왔다.

He got up so early as to catch the first train.

=He got up so early that he caught the first train.

그는 정말 일찍 일어나서 첫 기차를 탔다.




I studied so hard as to pass the test.

나는 너무 열공해서 그 시험에 합격했다.

I studied hard so as to pass the test.

나는 그 시험에 통과하기위해 열공했다.

so 형/부 to V : 너무 ~해서 ~하다

so as to V: ~하기 위해서

in order to V: ~하기 위해서

so that :~하기 위해서, ~하도록

Mary was staying outside so that she could watch stars.

Mary was staying outside so as to watch stars.

Mary was staying outside in order to watch stars.

Mary는 별을 보기 위해 밖에 있었다.




[보기] They are very small. You cannot see them.

→ They are too small for you to see.

→ They are so small that you can't see them.

1. The old man is very weak. He can't raise his hand.



2. The box was very big. In-ho could not carry it.



3. The team is so strong. We cannot beat it.



※ 다음 문장을 보기와 같이 쓰시오.

[보기] He had to run in order to arrive in time.

→ He had to run so that he might arrive in time.

4. She went upstairs in order to see the sight clearly.


5. He has to work hard in order to keep his family in comfort.


6. We got up early in order to catch the first train.


7. I'll get everything ready in order not to keep you waiting.


8. He jumped into the water in order to save the child.

















◈ 연습문제 정답


[보기] They are very small. You cannot see them.

→ They are too small for you to see.

→ They are so small that you can't see them.

1. The old man is very weak. He can't raise his hand.

→ The old man is too to raise his hand.

→The old man is so weak that he can't raise his hand.

2. The box was very big. In-ho could not carry it.

→ The box was too big for In-ho to carry it.

→ The box was so big that In-ho could not carry it.

3. The team is so strong. We cannot beat it.

→ The team is too strong for us to beat it.

→ The team is so strong that we cannot beat it.

※ 다음 문장을 보기와 같이 쓰시오.

[보기] He had to run in order to arrive in time.

→ He had to run so that he might arrive in time.

4. She went upstairs in order to see the sight clearly.

→ She went upstairs so that she could see the sight clearly.

5. He has to work hard in order to keep his family in comfort.

→ He has to work hard so that he can keep his family in comfort.

6. We got up early in order to catch the first train.

→ We got up early so that we could catch the first train.

7. I'll get everything ready in order not to keep you waiting.

→ I'll get everything ready so that I won't keep you waiting.

8. He jumped into the water in order to save the child.

→ He jumped into the water so that he might save the child.