I wonder what the difference is between needn't have done and didn't need to. Which one should I use when?
Needn't have p.p 와 didn't need to 차이가 뭐에요?
1. I needn't have attended the meeting.
나는 그 회의에 참석할 필요가 없었다.
2. I didn't need to attend the meeting.
나는 그 회의에 참석할 필요가 없었다.
Sentence 1 means that I attended the meeting while it wasn't necessary. The thing is, I didn't know that it was unnecessary to go to the meeting. Maybe I regret it.
1번문장은 회의에 참가할 필요가 없었는데 참가했을 때 쓰이는데 중요한 것은 회의에 참가할 필요가 없었다는 것을 내가 몰랐다는 것이다. 그래서 참가한 것을 후회하고 있을 때 쓴다.
Sentence 2 indicates that I didn't attend the meeting because I knew it was unnecessary.
2번 문장은 내가 회의에 참가할 필요가 없다는 것을 미리 알고 회의에 참가하지 않았을 때 쓴다.
Needn't have p.p and didn't need to
Both these forms are used to talk about past events, but there is sometimes a difference in use. When we say that someone needn't have done something, it means that they did it, but it was not necessary.
needn't have p.p는 과거에 무언가를 할 필요가 없었는데 했을 때 사용한다!
You needn't have washed the dishes. I would've put them in the dishwasher.
너는 설거지를 할 필요가 없었어.(설거지 왜 했어~) 내가 식기 세척기에 넣으려고 했는데.
You didn't need to wash the dishes. I would've put them in the dishwasher.
너는 설겆이를 할 필요가 없어. 내가 식기 세척기에 넣을거야.
I didn't need to prepare all that food.They phoned to say they wouldn't be coming.
나는 그 모든 음식을 준비할 필요가 없었어.(그래서 안했어) 그들은 오지 않을 거라고 전화 했거든.
I needn't have prepared all that food. They phoned to say they wouldn't be coming.
나는 그 모든 음식을 준비할 필요가 없었어.(근데 했어) 그들은 오지 않을 거라고 전화 했거든.
But we also use didn't need to to say that something was not necessary under circumstances where it was not done:
didn't need to는 하지 않은 행동이
불필요했을 때 사용한다.
The sun came out so we didn't need to take any rainwear on the trip.
해가 나와서 우리는 여행에 우비를 가져갈 필요가 없었다(필요 없어서 안가져갔다)
We had plenty of petrol in the tank so I didn't need to fill up.
연료 탱크에 휘발유가 많이 들어있어서 기름을 채울 필요가 없었어.(기름을 넣지 않았다)
We didn't need to wait for long for them. They arrived just after us.
우리는 그들을 오래 기다릴 필요가 없었다. 그들은 우리 바로 뒤에 도착했다.(오래 기다리지 않았다)
didn't need to 와 needn't have p.p 는 어떠한 행동이 할 필요가 없었을 때 사용한다. 하지만 didn't need to 는 그 행동을 할 필요가 없어서 안 했을 때 쓰고 needn't have p.p는 그 행동을 할 필요가 없었는데 해서 후회할 때 쓴다!
Needn't and don't need to
There is also a difference in use when these verbs are used to describe present situations. We can use both needn't and don't need to to give permission to someone not to do something in the immediate future. We can also use need as a noun here:
가까운 미래에 어떤 일을 하지 않도록 누군가에게 허락을 해주기 위해 'Needn't and don't need to'를 둘 다 사용할 수 있다.
You don't need to water the garden this evening. It's going to rain tonight.
You needn't water the garden this evening. It's going to rain tonight.
There's no need to water the garden this evening. It's going to rain tonight.
오늘 저녁에는 정원에 물을 주지 않아도 된다. 오늘 밤에는 비가 올 것이다.
You don't need to shout. It's a good line. I can hear you perfectly.
You needn't shout. It's a good line. I can hear you perfectly.
There's no need to shout. It's a good line. I can hear you perfectly.
소리 칠 필요 없어. 연결상태가 좋아. 네 소리 완전히 잘 들려.
Note from the above examples that need can either act as a modal verb or as an ordinary verb. When it acts as a modal auxiliary verb it is nearly always used in negative sentences, as the above examples illustrate, although it is sometimes also used in questions as a modal verb:
위의 예에서 'need'는 조동사 또는 일반 동사의 역할을 할 수 있다. 조동사 역할을 할 때 위의 예에서 볼 수 있듯이 거의 항상 부정문에서 사용되지만 질문에서 조동사로도 사용되기도한다.
Need you leave straightaway? Can't you stay longer?
지금 당장 떠나야 해? 좀 더 있을 수 없어?
Need I say more? I would like you to stay.
더 설명해야해? 난 네가 남았으면 좋겠어.
When it is used as an ordinary verb with to before the following infinitive and with an s in the third person singular, it appears in both affirmative and negative sentences and in questions:
일반동사로 사용되면 주어가 3인칭 단수일 때 -s를 붙인다
She's almost dehydrated. She needs a drink. She needs to drink something before she has anything to eat. She doesn't need to stay in bed, but she should have a good rest before she sets off again. ~ Do I need to stay with her? ~ Yes, I think you should
출처: BBC Learning English
didn't need to
- it wasn't necessary and it wasn't done
할 필요가 없어서 안했을 때
I didn't need to water the flowers as Dora had already watered them. (물 안줌)
We didn't need to wake him up, he was already sitting on the bed and dressing.(깨우지 않음)
They didn't need to wait long; he was back before you could say Jack Robinson'. (오래 기다리지 않음)
The postman didn't need to ring the bell - the door opened before he got to it.(벨을 누루지 않음)
needn't have p.p
-it wasn't necessary but it was done
할 필요가 없지만 했을 때
She needn't have watered the flowers. It's the
gardener's job. (안줘도 되는 데 물을 줌)
You needn't have woken me up: there's another
hour before the train leaves. (깨울 필요가 없었는데 깨움)
They needn't have waited in vain, everybody knew the guests would arrive only the next day.(기다릴 필요가 없었는데 기다림)
You needn't have opened the door, there was
enough air coming in through the window.(문을 열 필요가 없었는데 염)
출처: EF Lpractice.com - Online English lassons via Skype
Didn't Have to / Didn't Need to
If we say that somebody didn’t have to or didn’t need to do something, we mean that the action was not necessary and the person did not do it.
그 행동이 필요가 없어서 그것을 하지 않았을 때 Didn't Have to / Didn't Need to를 사용한다!
For Example:
It started raining heavily so I didn’t need to water the flowers. (it wasn’t necessary, so I didn’t do that.)
비가 많이 오기 시작해서 꽃에 물을 줄 필요가 없다.(그래서 물 안줬다.)
It was my day off yesterday, that’s why I didn’t need to get up early.(It was not obligatory for me)
어제 쉬는 날이어서 일찍 일어날 필요가 없다.(그래서 일찍 일어나지 않았다.)
We use the base form (verb1) of the verb after the modal "didn't have(need) to".
I didn't need to wake up...woke up.
didn't have(need) to + 동사원형을 쓴다!
Needn't Have + Verb3
If we say that somebody “needn’t have done” something, we mean that the action is done, but it was unnecessary and even a waste of time.
그 행동을 했는데 할 필요가 없었고 심지어 시간 낭비였을 때 needn’t have p.p를 사용한다!
For Example:
When the party was over, I realized that you needn’t have cooked so much food as most of it was untouched.
파티가 끝났을 때 나는 네가 그렇게 많은 음식을 할 필요가 없었다는 것을 깨달았어. 대부분의 음식에 손도 대지 않았거든.(음식을 많이 했는데 그럴 필요가 없었다)
Yesterday my friend had already bought 2 tickets for the concert so you really needn’t have bought another one, it was a waste of money.
어제 내 친구가 이미 콘서트 표 2장을 사서, 너는 표를 살 필요가 없었어. 돈 낭비였어. (표 살 필요가 없었는데 왜 사서 돈 낭비했니?)
Sandra worked all the weekend to finish her assignment on time, but actually she needn’t have done so.
Sandra는 과제를 제시간에 끝내려고 주말 내내 했지만, 사실 그렇게 할 필요가 없었다.(마감기한이 연기됐나봐 왜 그렇게 열심히 했어~.)
The bus arrived 2 minutes after you left, so you needn't have taken a cab.
네가 떠나가 2분 후에 버스가 왔어, 그래서 너는 택시를 탈 필요가 없었어.(2분만 더 기다리지 택시 왜 탔어?
As you can see, in the examples above the actions done were not necessary and actually the efforts were in vain.
보다시피 위의 예에서 needn't have p.p는 행한 행동이 필요하지 않았고, 실제로 그 노력은 헛수고였을 때 사용한다.